Transpigeon Presentation

transpigeon presentation



Opening Speech


Let me picture a scene for you; you’re walking down a street, and you see a handful of pigeons pecking at some leftover crumbs on the road.  You stop and pause, and you stand there, looking at them, and you start to wonder what life would be like from their perspective, what it would be like to stand in their orange little shoes for a while. how differently you would see the world, and the people around you.  You wonder how your building-packed city of London would look from the eyes of a soaring pigeon, flying high above, with the whole of London draped out beneath you, like the beautiful built-up-vista, that it is. 


Well, now you can.  In Transpigeon you can experience the highs and lows of London from the small, peeky eyes of our feathery friends. 

Transpigeon Poster

Transpigeon Poster Design FINISHED-01.png


I’m actually really happy with the result!  It is simple in design, as it does not overload the eye, and it tells the viewer what they need to know, without any unnecessary details.

Whilst I was trawling through game posters, looking for inspiration, I found a series of posters by a guy called Dylan West.  The extreme visual appeal of these images inspired me to have a go at making one myself for Transpigeon.  Here are some examples of his awesome work.




As you can see, the main character is defined by a black silhouette which is contrasted on a bright, monotone background.  A silhouette the same colour as the background is positioned between the legs of the original silhouette, which is in the shape of a character related to the main character in the image.  This shows a connection between the two characters.

With my poster, I wanted it to have all the visual appeal of the above images, but also tell the observer enough about my game to garner their interest enough to hopefully theoretically buy my imaginary game.

My poster tells the viewer that it is set in London, it shows the personality of the main character, expressed through her clothes and hair.  It shows the connection between her and the silhouetted pigeon on her feet and that she will transform down into it.  It tells you the title and other relevant information.

There are also a swarm of pigeons flying around in the sky, which reinforces the massive theme of pigeons in the game, and also makes the poster feel alive, and not just dead and stationary.

P picked the colour orange for the background because apparently, it symbolises creativity, freedom, happiness, expression and sexuality.  I felt like those were all big parts of Mia’s personality (the character in my poster), so I just had to use orange for the background.


Physical Sketchbook Complete


Transpigeon: Mia Low-Poly Concept Art

It took me about 3 weeks and an unholy amount of coffee.  It took more determination than I thought I possessed, but It’s finally done, and I’m really happy with how it turned out!  Although I couldn’t finish the hair, because I ran out of time.

It shows how I envision Transpigeon’s graphics looking, although they don’t have to be as realistic as this.  I think that this is still a good base to start from however.


Mia Low-Poly Concept Art-01


Mia’s face is based on this picture of the actor and singer-songwriter Olly Alexander.



Transpigeon Story


As the game starts, a dark, quiet room is shown for about 6 seconds, then suddenly a figure bursts through them in a dramatic flurry and hurry.  The motion sensor lights quickly turn on as Mia throws open the toilet stall door, as she kneels down and starts puking.  Mia stops puking.  Then there is a long shot from just above Mia’s retching, bobbing head, looking out of the stall.  A very cautious Baccy peeps his head around the corner, and asks in a small voice “you ok bud?”   Mia starts puking again, harder than ever.

Baccy steps out and leans against the sinks and mirrors directly in the middle of the long shot.

“The boys were worried about you.  You downed those shots like an alcoholic camel.” Baccy starts laughing.  “Your eyes just widened like a damn tree frog as you galloped off like a really drunk horse!” Baccy laughs harder.

Mia grumbles mournfully.  “Will you just shut up?!  I swear to God, if I hear one more fucking animal analogy, I’m gonna… ”

Baccy, almost in tears, “you… you sound like a really pissed off grizzly bear.”

Mia starts puking harder than ever.

Baccy’s laughter rattles through the building.


the scene cuts to a mid shot of Baccy walking Mia out of the toilet supported on his shoulder.  They walk through a door and suddenly they are in a very bright, busy and loud pub. He leads her to an empty booth, and as if something terrible might happen if not handled with care, gently sits her down on the cushioned seat.

“So, uh, hows life?”

The player now has a choice of options for conversation, and all are something on the lines of “Baccy, you don’t want to stay here with me, so just piss off and go play with your friends.”

“Thanks, Mia”.

Baccy runs off, and brash screams of delight greet him, as he is swallowed whole by a mass of people.

The player can now explore the environment with Mia.

All of the interactive objects and people have a unique animation, and the player has a choice of actions.  For example, Mia finds a glass of beer, and she is given the option to either drink it, pour it into a plant pot, or sneakily pour it over someone’s head.

After the player has explored to their heart’s content, the player can go and talk to Baccy, which will progress the story.

As the player approaches Baccy, you notice that he is in the middle of a crowd of drunken slobs shouting merrily, which gets louder the nearer the player goes to it.  You reach the outside, and then you have the option of shoving your way through with force, crawling under the mass of slobs’ legs or politely asking people to move out of the way. The latter won’t work, Mia will just be ignored, so the player will then have to either crawl or shove.

After choosing one of the options, and getting halfway there, Baccy will suddenly stand up on a table, with a pint-sized glass of whiskey held precariously in his hand, swinging it wildly from side to side.

“Hello my people of all shapes, sizes and smells, we are gathered here today to celebrate the tragic passing of another year.  We will give it a proper bloody send-off, it’ll be the send off to send all offs… uh… off!”

The crowd cheers happily.

“And now my brothers… and sisters.”  Baccy gives Mia a side smile.  “We fulfil our righteous destiny, AND WE DRINK!”

The crowd erupts in a cacophony of delighted screams.

Baccy slowly raises his hands out to the side.

“ALL DRINKS ON ME”, he bellows, and the crowd goes crazy, cheering, screaming, and some even crying.

A small cutscene/montage, with “Dragons” by Caravan Palace playing.  The cutscene will be of Mia and Baccy’s wild night of boozed up partying, with a couple of different options to pick in a couple of crazy and dumb situations: like putting traffic cones on their hands and arms, and dancing/battling each other with them, or putting one of their passed-out friends in a barrel, and messing around with it, or anything else I come up with.  And lots, lots more drinking.

The screen fades to black.



The comforting sound of rain on windows and the roof is audible, then the screen fades from black, to reveal a messy, but cosy bedroom, with a raging sea of dirty clothes strewn across the expanse of the aquamarine-coloured floor.  There’s a whole shelf dedicated to her heavily used make-up.  Bookshelves crammed with hundreds of books line the light purple walls.  The rare spaces of the wall that aren’t masked by books are littered with clumsily stuck-on quotes, from Einstein to Shakespeare to The Teletubbies.  A clock in the shape of an olive says that the time is 11:45am.

The camera is blurry at first but then focuses on a sleeping hungover Mia flopped across her bed, tangled in bedsheets.

She starts to stir and flop her limbs lazily around, grumbling all the while about how ill she feels, and how she shouldn’t have drunk so much.  After a while, she purposefully falls out of bed, and lands heavily; the impact makes some of her belongings wobble. She slowly pushes herself up and unsteadily wobbles around.  She cheerfully, yet sleepily talks to herself about needing a bath.  The player now has the opportunity to explore the environment of Mia’s bedroom, and interact with objects; this will give the player some background information on Mia, but the amount depends on how much the player chooses to snoop around.

Eventually, the player will wander into Mia’s living room, where she finds her rather overweight black cat, Lord Fluffy, who is happily fast asleep on Baccy.  Baccy is lying on the sofa in a foetal position, sleeping peacefully and looking kind of cute, yet vulnerable. Mia ponders how she never saw him looking like this before, void of all personality masks.

Mia can also explore the rest of her flat now, which will be rife with character development.  If the player meanders towards the bathroom, the story will progress.

When the player decides to go to the bathroom, Mia will walk through the door, to find a cosy bathroom, with a large assortment of women’s skin and hair care products, bottles of bubble bath, and a rubber duck chilling on the side of the bath.

Mia greets the duck by tipping her invisible hat at it, and saying happily, “mornin’ Dolan.”

The player can interact with a few things in here, but not many.  When the player is ready, Mia will start running the bath and put bubble mixture in, then she takes off her clothes.  When she takes her top off, it will reveal fake breasts, then she will look at herself in the mirror.  After a couple of moments, she smiles, and walks away towards the bath and takes the breasts off.  The camera then cuts to a shot where it is positioned behind the rubber duck, so that Mia’s naked body is shielded from view as she’s getting into the bath.

Once in the bath, she takes the rubber duck which was in front of the camera, and gently as if not to hurt it, places it in the water.  The camera cuts back to Mia, as she relaxes in her little army of bubbles, and promotes Dolan the duck to their commanding officer.

Just as she’s closing her eyes about to doze off, she notices a pigeon feather floating in the water beside her.  Frowning in puzzlement, she notices another one, and then another one.  She looks at the window to see if it’s open, in case they could have flown in from outside, but it’s closed shut.

She picks one out and is about to drop it on the floor, but she notices something stuck to her hand. She looks closer at it and realises that there is a small clump of feathers that almost seem to be growing out of her hand.  Her eyes widen in shock, as she looks at her arms, finding that they are also growing feathers.

She screams and

Morgan Freeman

MF - Original

Today we were given the task of relieving Morgan Freeman of his many, many moles, with the spot healing brush tool.

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We started by selecting the above tool and proceeded to rid him of his pride and glory by drawing over his army of moles, which replaced them with bits of skin from the surrounding area.

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And voila!  A creepily smooth Morgan.  Now at this point, our teacher made a grave mistake and allowed us to mess around with his face, to our weird little hearts’ content.  With the whole array of Photoshoppy weapons at our fingertips, poor Morgan was brutally disfigured into things you couldn’t even dream of or would want to, for that matter.

I cracked my knuckles menacingly and got to work.  I began by shaving away his majestic eyebrows, because who needs eyebrows anyway?

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I’m sorry, Morgan.

As I watched his eyebrows disappear before my very eyes, I, like every supervillain ever, felt an overwhelming sense of ultimate power growing within me.  I knew what I had to do.

Over an hour later I had created an eyeless monstrosity, that if released into the wild, would terrorise the world as we know it.  I named it Morgron.

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He is beauty, he is grace, he will latch on your face.


I do not own any of these images, and am using them for educational purposes only.