How To Make An Animatic

  1. Select jpeg on the scanner.
  2. Import storyboard into Photoshop as a jpeg.
  3. To rotate the image if needed, go to Image, then Rotate, then rotate however much you want.
  4. Use the rectangular marquee tool, and select one of the panels.
  5. Press CMD J which makes the selection its own layer.
  6. Make each panel its own layer, but don’t put the layers into folders, because it messes up in After Effects.
  7. If there are parts that I want to animate later in After Effects, then make them into a new layer and organise the layer behind the original layer, and replicate everything on it.
  8. Name each panel, like Panel 1, Panel 2, Panel 3, etc.
  9. Press CMD L to bring up the levels windows, which you can use to make the pictures brighter or darker.
  10. Using the Brush Tool, you should add colour to it, but only black, grey and white tones.  Can also add more definitive lines.
  11. Import it into after effects.
  12. Create a new composition called master.
  13. Create a new composition for each layer.
  14. Make simple animations for each storyboard picture, like rotating a ball or what not.
  15. Play around with the camera on the storyboards.
  16. Line up the pictures in their respective order in the master, so that when one picture finishes, the next one starts.
  17. Can add sounds