Morgan Freeman

MF - Original

Today we were given the task of relieving Morgan Freeman of his many, many moles, with the spot healing brush tool.

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We started by selecting the above tool and proceeded to rid him of his pride and glory by drawing over his army of moles, which replaced them with bits of skin from the surrounding area.

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And voila!  A creepily smooth Morgan.  Now at this point, our teacher made a grave mistake and allowed us to mess around with his face, to our weird little hearts’ content.  With the whole array of Photoshoppy weapons at our fingertips, poor Morgan was brutally disfigured into things you couldn’t even dream of or would want to, for that matter.

I cracked my knuckles menacingly and got to work.  I began by shaving away his majestic eyebrows, because who needs eyebrows anyway?

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I’m sorry, Morgan.

As I watched his eyebrows disappear before my very eyes, I, like every supervillain ever, felt an overwhelming sense of ultimate power growing within me.  I knew what I had to do.

Over an hour later I had created an eyeless monstrosity, that if released into the wild, would terrorise the world as we know it.  I named it Morgron.

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He is beauty, he is grace, he will latch on your face.


I do not own any of these images, and am using them for educational purposes only.