Job Research

The different overall job titles seem to be the following.  Although these screenshots are from a graphic design website, and a general google, I expect the variations in job titles are generally the same as other areas.

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Free Lancer

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Ever since I was a kid, I had dreamed of one day having an input into the creation of my favourite games.  For a long time, the idea of working in the games studio TellTale had stuck itself firmly in that dream, because they made games that were very narratively driven, with a unique art style, but they recently went bust, so I guess that’s out of the picture now.

But my second choice would be the developer Dontnod, who make my favourite game series Life Is Strange.  Here are some of their job roles.  I would like a job on the more creative side of the industry, rather than technical.

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None of the options that interest me are open anymore, so don’t have any more information.  But the two that really stick out to me are the Narrative Designer and the Lead Environment Artist – because I love writing stories and my favourite games are very narratively driven.  And the Environment Artist because I love the idea of creating environments for the player to run around in, to try to tell a story just with the objects lying around.

Here are some other jobs that caught my eye.  Most of these aren’t accessible to someone with my undergraduate experience, but these are a good starting point for goals.

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I like the sound of this job, seeing as I love 2d animation, but I would obviously need to have a much higher skill level to be able to obtain this job.  All of the job demands seem achievable for me at some point in the future.  And the pay seems really good as well.


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I really like the sound of this job.

This alone would make me apply within an instant.  I would be in literal heaven.Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 10.58.01.png


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