Modern Masters Henri Matisse

You know the drill, I answered questions on the documentary that is perched patiently under this paragraph.


1 What nationality is Matisse? French.

2 Matisse is sometimes referred to as the master of what? Colour.

3 What did Matisse’s mum and dad do for a living? Seed merchants.

4 When was Matisse born? He was born in 1869.

5 What did his mum give him when he was a child and was ill with depression? A paintbox.

6 What year did Matisse travel to the South of France? 1905.

7 What did Matisse decide to ignore? all of the painting conventions that had steadily evolved over time, to portray the world as realistically as possible.

One of Matisse’s simplified paintings
A more realistic painting

8 What boundaries did Matisse push? Form and colour.

9 What did Matisse try to portray in these paintings? An emotional response to reality, rather than merely replicating the external world.

10 Who was the person who started buying Matisse’s work in bulk? Sergei Shchukin.

11 What happened to most of Shchukin’s Matisse collection? It has ended up in the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

12 What was the reaction to the paintings ‘Music’ and ‘Dance’ from 1910? The presenter found them “utterly, utterly astonishing”. “It is about the joy of being alive”. But the initial reactions to the paintings at the time in 1910 was outrage, they criticized the “barbaric” was he painted the people, and they hated the strange use of colour, saying how Matisse’s lobstermen were frolicking around in spinach.


13 What did the Communist dictator Stalin do to all the paintings? He banned them, as he found Matisse’s paintings “decadent”.

14 Who is Albert Irvin? One of Britan’s foremost abstract artists.

15 What was always at the core of Matisse’s work? Experiences.

Red Room

16 Matisse tried to join the army for the First World War but was rejected because he was? Too old.

17 What year did Matisse move to the city of Nice in the South of France? At the end of 1917.

18 What subject did he mainly paint? Naked women, specifically odalisques posing as if they were waiting to have sex, or relaxing afterwards.

19 What year did Matisse first visit New York City? in 1930.

20 How old was he? He was 60 when he moved to New York.

21 Which American Abstract Expressionist did Matisse’s Red Studio painting inspire? Mark Rothko.

22 Who was Lydia Delectorskaya? She was one of the assistants that Matisse hired to help him with on the mural. She was a Russian film extra, who was in her early 20s.

23 In 1940 was a bad year for Matisse, what two things occurred? The Nazis invaded France, and Matisse was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

24 Who came to visit Matisse and couldn’t believe that the villa was where Matisse lived? Pablo Picasso.

25 In 1947 Matisse invented a new technique? The paper cut out.

26 What did this technique allow Matisse to do? To continue producing art whilst he was bed-bound.

27 Why were the cutouts produced? Many of the most famous cut-outs were produced for a book called jazz, which contained about 20 of them, with comments by Matisse about art and life.

28 How many books were published? Only 250 copies.

29 How old was Matisse when he made The Snail? He was 83 years old.

30 How did he describe the process of making the artwork? He said it was like drawing with colour.

Matisse died in 1954.

31 What is an atheist? An atheist is a person who isn’t religious, like me!