Maya Cameras (Unfinished)

To create a camera, go to Create, then Cameras, then Camera, like so.

Screen Shot 2019-09-30 at 10.38.12.png

Cameras allow you to make use of shot types in a 3D environment, so that you can have multiple shots and angles of the action, just like a live-action film.

To view what the camera is seeing, then do this.

Screen Shot 2019-09-30 at 10.41.25.png

Either Film Gate or Resolution Gate should always be on.

Screen Shot 2019-09-30 at 10.42.50.png

You can create whats called a parent-child relationship between the camera and the object that you’re focusing on.  This also works for any objects, it doesn’t need to be a camera.  Whatever you do to the parent is automatically done to the child, but you can change the child independently.  To do this, select what you want to be the children; you can select as many children as you want.  Then shift-click what you want to be the parent, then do the following.

Screen Shot 2019-09-30 at 10.50.29.png

You can draw out a path for the camera to follow, by selecting the tool on the right with the little pencil symbol.

Screen Shot 2019-09-30 at 11.20.23.png

Then you can make whatever crazy path you want (don’t do what I did if you don’t want to throw up with motion sickness).

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