The Thing In My Pipes – Animating/Drawing

As I mentioned in a previous blog, I’m going to rotoscope the whole animation in pixel art.  I’m going to be using Photoshop for this process.  I’m going to follow the shots is drew out in the animatic.

I need to figure out what resolution I’m going to be working in.  It needs to have the same ratio as 1920×1080 to make it fit for viewing online.  Here’s a link to a table of ratios that I’m going to use to help me with this.

I found this tutorial on how to rotoscope in Photoshop.

Hi, this paragraph is written by me from the future of when I wrote this part of the blog post.  I just came back to say that although my original plan was to rotoscope everything in pixel art, it turns out that it would have been extremely time consuming and I was short on time, so I ditched the rotoscoping idea.

I found this picture that I’m going to use as a reference photo for the office shots.

The Moral Life of Cubicles - The New Atlantis

Whilst drawing it, I couldn’t decide how to colour the walls and ceiling, so I used this photo for reference.

3499d12f28a741f0063ee8f2bbd711d9.jpg (4000×3000) | Empty rooms ...

Because I have a lot to animate in a short amount of time because I’m terrible at time management, I’m going to animate it in 6 frames per second.  Here’s an example of the differences between different fps.

Here’s the office that I drew.


It took a while for me to understand how animating in photoshop works, but I’m a lot more confident now with the basics.  Next, I drew the close up of Sandra.  In my attempt to make her look attractive and vaguely resemble the concept art I’d made, I somehow forgot how humans look and made this.

Someone made the accurate point that she looks like Dory’s dad from Finding Nemo.

For my second attempt, I cut the nose back a little too much.

Third time lucky, I spent some more time on her and actually made her resemble a human being.  Here’s the finished image.

Sandra office

Onto the next shot.  I’ve decided to skip the shots of him walking out of work and getting in his car to save time.  For the driving scene, I want to make a parallax effect.  Parallax animation is where objects in the background move at varying speeds to replicate scale and distance.  The background objects also have varying opacity, depending on how far away they’re supposed to look to be.  This is an example of what I mean.

File:Parallax scroll.gif - Wikimedia Commons

first of all, though, I need to draw the car.  I want it to be a really old and cheap car so that it is clear to the audience that he’s not living an exactly luxurious life.  This is the reference photo I used of a 1983 Peugeot 205.b

Old Banger Car Stock Photos & Old Banger Car Stock Images - Alamy

I used this drawing I found on google for reference when making the buildings.

Pixel Art Skyline - Album on Imgur

Here’s what I made.  I used the tween tool to make the movement.


Okay, so the next scene is Brian climbing up the external fire escape of his apartment building.  This is the reference photo I used.

nice cement block exterior texture | Apartment building, Building ...

This is what I made.

staris bitches

To animate Brian walking up the steps I was going to use some of Muybridge’s photography for reference, but I decided that since Brian’s sprite is only 3×10 pixels, it was going to be very hard to convey the detailed animation of a human walk cycle.

mini brian

I did try to, however, but it was way too hard and time-consuming to continue, and just looked bad in general.  This is the Muybridge’s photo that I was using when doing the abandoned walk cycle.

climbing reference

Whilst writing this, I realised that I had accidentally miscoloured one single pixel of childhood Brian’s hair.  I have now fixed that.

The next thing I did worthy of documenting was animating the run cycle of Brian and his childhood friend Charlie who will later become the monster, running through the woods.  This takes place in a flashback.  I didn’t use a reference, as I’m reasonably confident in making a very basic run cycle after doing some of the Game Story Development project work.  The run cycle is 6 frames long, but I just copied and reversed the order of the 3 frames below to make a full cycle.

For the next shot, I wanted to draw a natural forming lake surrounded by trees.  On my first attempt, I tried to draw it without reference, but the perspective just didn’t look right, and it just generally looked bad.

shit pool

Brian’s hair in this picture is yellow, that’s because I originally made his childhood hair blonde, thinking that his chair probably started out light in his early years and the older he got the darker it got.  I thought it would be more realistic, seeing as that’s what happened with my hair in real life.  But, after showing the sequence to a couple friends, they were like “what, why did his hair change??”  So I changed it to the same colour as it is when he’s an adult to clear the confusion.

This is the reference photo that I used for my second attempt.

Small Lake In The Mountains by Mammuth

This is my drawing.  I really tried to make it interesting to look at, layering the trees, grass and lake with different shades to make it more realistic and pretty.  I also added some rocks on the path.

good lake

To animate the splash caused by Brian throwing Charlie into the lake, I used this gif as a reference.

splish splash hehe

This is the animation that I made.


After the splash I animated some bubbles, to represent Charlie’s last breaths bubbling up to the surface.  Later on, when Charlie is talking to Brian through the toilet, I animated air bubbles popping in the toilet, I wanted these two scenes to be connected to each other through the bubbles.

At some points during this animation, like any scene outdoors during nighttime, and the following scene. after I had drawn out the shot, I had covered the drawing in a black, dark blue, or dark purple flat colour, then reduced the opacity, so that the overall brightness of the shot was lowered, to resemble either a night scene or a room without a light on.  Here’s an example of when I used this method – it’s a shot of Brian who has just woken up to the flashback-turned dream from his childhood.

sweaty brianetty

The next noteworthy thing I did is drawing Brian’s bathroom.  To help me visualise how I imagined the bathroom when writing the story, I drew a top-down layout in my sketchbook.

Scan - 2020-04-30 00_39_35

Before starting on my animation, I was planning to make 3D environments of the scenes I’d described in the short story, so I had started by making the shape of the room in Autodesk Maya.

room shape

For drawing the perspective of the bathroom, I used this picture as a reference.

I tried drawing a bath, but I felt like it made the image too cluttered, so I removed it.  I was thinking “who has a bathroom with a toilet and a sink but no shower or bath??”  But this isn’t real life so it doesn’t need to be realistic to that degree.  This is the bathroom design that I went with.  I was going to make the walls and floor tiled, but the white was just too visually overpowering.

bathroom bitch

I used this reference image for the toilet.  I originally drew it with the lid closed, as it is in this picture, but then realised that in a moment Brian is going to be peering into the toilet, and I didn’t want to have to animate him lifting up the toilet lid, so I redrew it with the lid open.

This is the reference photo that I used for the toilet from the front view.

This is my drawing.  It didn’t originally have the flush pointing out to the left, but I went back to it later and changed it to this because when he flushes the toilet, I needed the flush to be a straight line for animation ease.

toilet bitch

Throughout the animation, I had to draw the toilet from several different perspectives, so I made a colour palette for ease of use for myself when drawing them.  I positioned the colours in order of shade for the single reason that it looks nice.

Toilet colour pallatte

For the next shot where Brian is looking into the toilet, I was finding it hard to get the proportions right for his face when seen from below, so I used this reference photo.

This is my drawing.

bog brian

To animate Brian looking in the toilet, I used the tween tool once again.

Throughout the animation, Brian’s face changes a lot depending on which angle it is at because my pixel art skills are far from desirable, and I find it very hard to keep the proportions consistent, so when you watch it, whoever you are, you’ll need to deal with that.  Sorry.

This is the reference photo I used for Brian looking into the toilet.

This is my drawing.  I worked hard to make the shape of the bowl and pit of water (whatever that’s called) the right shape.

toilet lookin ass bitch

Next, I had to draw Brian holding a banana, so I found this reference photo for help.

This is my drawing.  Looking at it now, the banana looks a bit small in comparison to Brian’s head, but I’m writing this after I’ve made the whole thing, and I’m so burnt out, I don’t think I could manage to alter anything now.

banana bitch

I used this reference image when I drew the close up of the toiler flush which I Brain pulls down.

This is my art.  To make the sides the same shape, I drew out a shape that I liked, then copied, pasted it, (which made a new layer) and flipped it horizontally, then combined the new layer with the original layer and tada!!

close up toilet

Next, to draw the shot where Brian is hearing the ringing for the first time, I used this photo as a reference.

And this is my drawing.

unhappy boi

To draw Brian’s eyes in obvious distress in a cartoon style, I used the “more than” and “less than” symbols on my keyboard for reference.  These things:  > <

Next up, I had originally planned to animate Brian throwing in lots of meat into the toilet, but I couldn’t face individually drawing out lots of different types of raw meat, so I compromised on a single chicken leg.  This is the reference photo I used.

This is my drawing.  I made a chequered pattern to imitate the bumpy texture of chicken skin.

chicken boob

Next up, I drew the shot where Brian wakes up from his blackout in his office, looking at his computer.  I wanted to make it clear that Brian’s life and workplace are cheap and shabby, so I made everyone in the office have an old fashioned CRT monitor.  I gave Brian’s monitor the classic old Windows desktop background.  I made the keyboard and mouse black and more modern looking to make the computer setup seem weird and haphazardly put together, with no colour scheme, to indicate the lack of effort put into making the office space look nice for its employees.  When designing the keyboard I looked at my own which is black, with white letters, and tried to make it have a realistic layout of the keys.

This is the reference photo I used for the CRT monitor.

This is the reference photo I used for the desktop background.

And this is the whole image put together.  I’m pretty happy with it.  I’m especially happy that I was able to represent the classic desktop background in such a small amount of pixels, and for it to be instantly recognisable.

windows computer

Next, I drew Brian looking unshaven with messy hair, and I made his face slightly paler than his normal face colour which I have used for the whole animation up to this point, to allude to the fact that he’s slowly getting more unhinged and therefore his self-care is none-existant on this day.

unshaven Brian

Okay, so the next thing I made that I have anything interesting to say about it is Brian waiting for Sandra in his car which is parked in an empty car park.  I used this photo as a reference for the front of the car.  It is the exact same model of car as the reference photo I used for the driving scene.

This is the reference photo I used for the parking lot itself.

And this is everything put together.  I didn’t draw any other cars in the car park because I wanted the focus to be on Brian and his car, and I also didn’t want the image to be too overcrowded.  His licence plate had originally had a swear word I love, but I figured I didn’t want to piss off anyone marking my animation, so I changed it to instead read L D O, which stands for Little Dark One, which is an alias that I use online.

carpark mood

Next, I drew the car interior from behind Brian’s head.  This is the reference picture I used.

This is my drawing.

shadow Brian

Whilst writing this, I realised that when I was animating this, I  had planned to have Brian’s head start out on the left of the car, and end up on the right, but I had forgotten to make it start at the left, therefore the positioning of his head from the front view and him from inside the car are the opposite and therefore make no sense, so I have now just gone back and changed that.

stalker brian

Next up, I drew Sandra’s car.  I’m very proud of myself because I didn’t use a reference photo for any of the car, I did it all from imagination, based off of my experience of drawing Brian’s car from the driving scene.  The two cars definitely share some similarities because of this, but I’m still happy, and I think it looks pretty damn sweet.

incredible car that I'm proud of =)

Next up, I drew the boot of Brian’s car with Sandra stuffed in it.  The proportions are a bit wack, but eh, It looks somewhat okay.  This is the reference photo I used.

And this is my drawing.  Poor Sandra.

kidnapping sandre =(

Next, I drew Sandra tied up to a chair.  This is the reference photo I used for the said chair.

This is my drawing.


I drew Sandra without any reference, and the quality of her anatomy shows me that I’m gradually getting more skilled at pixel art, which makes me feel happy inside.

tied up Sandra =(

In this shot, I  made Brian’s face even paler than before and increased the severity of the bags under his eyes to show that he is kind of losing it at this point.


Next on the long, long but almost finished list is Brian lying bloodied and unconscious on the floor after murdering Sandra.  Here’s the reference photo I used for the various pools of blood situated around him.

And here’s my artwork.  for the blood on Brian’s clothing, I lightened the shade slightly, to make it appear as if it’s been there for some time and has had time to sink into the material.

Bloodied Brian

I’m very happy with the drawing I made of Sandra’s mangled corpse.  Although it is horrifying and disgusting, I’m proud of how realistic and genuinely disturbing it looks.  Ironically I had so much fun drawing it.  There’s just something satisfying about drawing messed up things, it’s kind of therapeutic in a way.

poor sandra

When Charlie is rising out of the toilet, I after I designed him, I duplicated him, flipped him, covered every inch of his body with a flat black, and lowered the opacity dramatically, then used the tween tool to make the shadow rise up Brian’s form.  I used this same technique in Brian’s childhood flashback earlier in the animation when Charlier approached Brian by the pool.  I did this to link the two scenes and to foreshadow.


Okay, finally we’ve reached the last shot!!

Originally, in the short story, I wrote that charlie had used all of the meat he had been fed to use as a part of his body so that he would be a terrifying, Frankenstein’s monster mishmash of parts of Sandra, parts of his old childhood body, and the pieces of raw meat that Brian had fed Charlie earlier on in the animation.  I played around for about an hour by combining different bits of meat with A blob that was supposed to represent charlie’s supposedly terrifying body, but nothing really worked or inspired me.  So I began erasing everything I had made.  When almost all of his original design had been erased, I stopped and looked and the thing, snake-like body that remained, and realised that I could work with that.

I added some of charlie’s ginger hair, but subdued the colour somewhat, seeing as he has been submerged in water for the better part of 20 years.  In a previous project, I had drawn a ton of dead artists and had made their eyes big black pits with a small white eye in the middle, so I decided to give charlie this to add an extra level of creep to his face.  In the same project, I gave Umberto Boccioni, one of the many artists I drew, a long, toothy smile that stretched up to his ear.  I used the same idea for Charlie’s mouth, but didn’t include any teeth, and put smeared blood around his mouth, which was from his last, very recent meal.


I then gave charlie some fancy long claws, cause why not.  Looking back on this design now, I realise that it was subconsciously, heavily inspired by a video I’d watched about a month back on how to draw a cursed image.

This is the design from that video.

creepy inspiration

And this is my final design for charlie.

I'm ligitimatly fuckin scared rn

It’s crazy to me to see how much things we see can affect the things that we make, even when we don’t realise it at the time.

And that’s it!  All of the animating and drawing is complete!  I’m so proud of myself for making so much in so little time.  It took me a week to do the whole thing, but it feels like I’ve been doing it for months.  Weird.  Look at my next blog post for the editing and general post-production process!








Modern Masters Pablo Picasso

Do I even need to explain myself at this point? There’s a documentary, then I fill in the little questions and tada


1 Where was Picasso born and in what year? He was born in Malaga, Spain, in 1881.

2 What nationality is Picasso? Spanish.

3 What was Picasso obsessed with as a young boy? Drawing.

4 At what age did Picasso win a scholarship to the prestigious academy of fine art in Madrid? When he was 16.

5 Who was Picasso’s best friend when he lived in Barcelona? Carlos Casagemas.

6 What year did Picasso leave Spain for Paris? 1900.

7 What was Paris known as? The European capital of sin.

8 What happened to Casagemas in a restaurant? He got drunk and attempted to kill his then-girlfriend with a revolver, but just missed and grazed her neck. He then shot himself in the temple of his head and died an hour later. Sounds like a really happy night…

9 What effect did this have on Picasso’s work? He started painting only in blue, which became known as his “blue period”. In this space of time, he painted outcasts of society, and portrayed only misery and despair in his paintings, as if that was all he could see.

10 How long did Picasso’s blue period last? 3 years.

11 After his blue period, what colour is used in his next period? Pink. This time in his life became known as his “rose period”.

12 How many years of artistic refinement did Picasso abandon? 600 years.

13 When was Les Demoiselles d’Avignon painted? In 1907.

14 At this time, who did Picasso start to collaborate with? George Braque.

15 What did they invent? The art movement cubism.

16 Where is the Spanish Guggenheim Museum? Bilbao, Spain.

17 What did Matisse call Picasso? A bandit, because he used to regularly steal motifs from other artists throughout history.

18 What year did the Spanish civil war start? 1936.

19 What happened to the town of Guernica? in April 1937 German aircraft flattened Guernica, which was held by the communist opposition.

20 How many bombs did the Germans drop? 5000. Woah, that’s a lot.

21 How many civilians died? more than 1600.

22 What political party did Picasso join after the war? The French communist party.

23 What bird was actually Picasso’s dove of peace? The forever majestic pigeon.

24 How old was Sylvette David when she worked with Picasso? 19.

25 How old was Picasso? 73.

26 How many pieces of work did Picasso produce in his lifetime? Over 43,000. Wow. Just, wow.

Modern Masters Henri Matisse

You know the drill, I answered questions on the documentary that is perched patiently under this paragraph.


1 What nationality is Matisse? French.

2 Matisse is sometimes referred to as the master of what? Colour.

3 What did Matisse’s mum and dad do for a living? Seed merchants.

4 When was Matisse born? He was born in 1869.

5 What did his mum give him when he was a child and was ill with depression? A paintbox.

6 What year did Matisse travel to the South of France? 1905.

7 What did Matisse decide to ignore? all of the painting conventions that had steadily evolved over time, to portray the world as realistically as possible.

One of Matisse’s simplified paintings
A more realistic painting

8 What boundaries did Matisse push? Form and colour.

9 What did Matisse try to portray in these paintings? An emotional response to reality, rather than merely replicating the external world.

10 Who was the person who started buying Matisse’s work in bulk? Sergei Shchukin.

11 What happened to most of Shchukin’s Matisse collection? It has ended up in the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, Russia.

12 What was the reaction to the paintings ‘Music’ and ‘Dance’ from 1910? The presenter found them “utterly, utterly astonishing”. “It is about the joy of being alive”. But the initial reactions to the paintings at the time in 1910 was outrage, they criticized the “barbaric” was he painted the people, and they hated the strange use of colour, saying how Matisse’s lobstermen were frolicking around in spinach.


13 What did the Communist dictator Stalin do to all the paintings? He banned them, as he found Matisse’s paintings “decadent”.

14 Who is Albert Irvin? One of Britan’s foremost abstract artists.

15 What was always at the core of Matisse’s work? Experiences.

Red Room

16 Matisse tried to join the army for the First World War but was rejected because he was? Too old.

17 What year did Matisse move to the city of Nice in the South of France? At the end of 1917.

18 What subject did he mainly paint? Naked women, specifically odalisques posing as if they were waiting to have sex, or relaxing afterwards.

19 What year did Matisse first visit New York City? in 1930.

20 How old was he? He was 60 when he moved to New York.

21 Which American Abstract Expressionist did Matisse’s Red Studio painting inspire? Mark Rothko.

22 Who was Lydia Delectorskaya? She was one of the assistants that Matisse hired to help him with on the mural. She was a Russian film extra, who was in her early 20s.

23 In 1940 was a bad year for Matisse, what two things occurred? The Nazis invaded France, and Matisse was diagnosed with bowel cancer.

24 Who came to visit Matisse and couldn’t believe that the villa was where Matisse lived? Pablo Picasso.

25 In 1947 Matisse invented a new technique? The paper cut out.

26 What did this technique allow Matisse to do? To continue producing art whilst he was bed-bound.

27 Why were the cutouts produced? Many of the most famous cut-outs were produced for a book called jazz, which contained about 20 of them, with comments by Matisse about art and life.

28 How many books were published? Only 250 copies.

29 How old was Matisse when he made The Snail? He was 83 years old.

30 How did he describe the process of making the artwork? He said it was like drawing with colour.

Matisse died in 1954.

31 What is an atheist? An atheist is a person who isn’t religious, like me!

Modern Masters Salvador Dali

You should know the drill by now, here are some questions I answered on the documentary nestled cosily under this paragraph.


1 What year was Salvador Dali born? In 1904.

2 What nationality was Dali? He was Spanish.

3 What age does he go to Madrid to study Fine Art? When he was 18 years old.

4 Did he complete his studies? No, he was expelled for saying that none of his teachers was good enough to examine his work.

5 Discovering what changed Dali’s life? The surrealism art movement.

6 Who started the art movement that Dali is associated with? The French poet Andre Breton.

7 What was the movement response to? The devastations of the 1st world war.

8 What are the main themes of surrealism? Getting in contact with the unconscious mind.

9 What themes were on the 23-year-old Dali’s mind? Death and sex.

10 What is the paranoiac-critical method? It is a technique based on Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theories, that is supposed to extract the strange visions from his deep, hidden psyche, that he hoped would fuel his art.

11 What film did Dali make in 1929 with Luis Buñuel? Un Chien Andalou, which translates to “An Andalusian Dog”.

12 What year did Dali meet his wife? In the summer of 1929.

13 Who was the British patron of Dali and surrealism? Edward James.

14 What year was The Persistence of memory painting first shown in New York? In the year 1932.

15 How much was it originally bought for? $250.

16 When did the artist Jeff Koons meet Dali? When he was a teenager.

17 How much was the skull sculpture (For the Love of God) by Damien Hirst on sale for? £50,000,000.

18 After being dismissed by the Surrealists where did Dali head for? Hollywood, which is sometimes suitably known as “the dream factory”.

19 What year did Dali work on the Alfred Hitchcock film Spellbound? 1944.

20 What sequence did he design? The dream sequences.

21 Who else did Dali work with? Ingrid Bergman and Gregory Peck.

22 What lollypop did Dali design the logo for? Chupa Chups.

23 What year did Dalí Theatre and Museum open? 28th of September, 1974.

24 What year did Dali die? In 1989.



Two of The Terms Used In The Documentary



The avant-gardes are people or works that are experimental, radical, or unorthodox with respect to art, culture, or society. It may be characterized by nontraditional, aesthetic innovation and initial unacceptability, and it may offer a critique of the relationship between producer and consumer.



A juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing two elements close together or side by side. This is often done in order to compare/contrast the two, to show similarities or differences.



Some Other Surrealist Artists

Giorgio de Chirico

Giorgio de Chirico was an Italian artist and writer born in Greece. In the years before World War I, he founded the Scuola metafisica art movement, which profoundly influenced the surrealists. His most well-known works often feature Roman arcades, long shadows, mannequins, trains, and illogical perspective.


René Magritte

René François Ghislain Magritte was a Belgian Surrealist artist. He became well known for creating a number of witty and thought-provoking images. Often depicting ordinary objects in an unusual context, his work is known for challenging observers’ preconditioned perceptions of reality.



The Genius of British Art

I tried to watch a documentary and answered a bunch of questions on it.


1. The start of British Modern Art started where? Right at the tip of the west coast of Cornwall.

2. What did one critic describe Patrick Heron’s work as? Absurd.

3. What did Patrick Heron think art should do? It should lift the human spirit.

4. What did Francis Bacon think life was full of? He thought that it was full of pain and suffering. How uplifting.

5. What did Francis Bacon’s artwork deliberately set out to do? To shock post-war Britan to its core.

It was here in the documentary that the video started to become unsynched to the audio, to the point where I couldn’t understand what was going on, so I cannot answer any more questions. It’s a shame because I was really enjoying it. 😦


Meanings of Terms

Rationing. It is the controlled mass distribution of limited food. During ww2 people were only allowed certain amounts of food, so this was rationing.

Stiff upper lip. A person who is said to have a stiff upper lip displays fortitude and stoicism in the face of adversity or exercises great self-restraint in the expression of emotion. So in short, it’s just kind of showing no emotion and being grumpy.

Abstract art. It is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect.

Post-war Britain. Refers to the time, in this case, after ww2 ended.

Triptych. A triptych is a work of art that is divided into three sections or three carved panels that are hinged together and can be folded shut or displayed open.

3 day week. The Three-Day Week was one of several measures introduced in the United Kingdom by the Conservative government to conserve electricity, the generation of which was severely restricted owing to industrial action by coal miners.

Lehman Brothers. It was an investment banking company.


The World’s Most Expensive Paintings

These are a bunch of questions that I answered after watching the following documentary.


1. What is Christies?  It is a British auctioning company, that has auctioned off some of the world’s most valuable paintings.


2. How much is Mark Rothko’s White Centre?  It was sold for $74,840,000.

3. Value isn’t always connected to what?  Quality.

4. What does provenance mean?  Basically, who has owned the painting before?   A painting’s value might skyrocket if prominent figures have owned it in the past.

5. Who previously owned Rothko’s White Centre?  The Rockafellas, who were one of America’s most rich powerful dynasties.

6. How did they earn their wealth?  They made their fortune in oil and banking.

7. In 1960 how much did he pay for White Centre?  Less than $10,000.

8. Who are the current owners?  The Qatari royal family, who are oil billionaires.

9. Massacre of the Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens is worth what?  $76,529,058.

10. Where are the majority of old master paintings?  In museums.

11. How did Ken Thomson earn his wealth?  He built a giant media empire that owned The Times, and The Sunday Times newspapers.

12. How much did he pay for Massacre of the Innocents by Peter Paul Rubens?  Almost $76,500,000.

13. What number on the rich list of people in Britain is Jeffrey Archer?  583rd.

14. How much is Monet Water Lily Pond worth?  $80,379,591.

15. How many years did Monet spend painting this water lily pond:  26 years.

16. What is the most popular postcard sold in the National Gallery?  A still life of a vase of sunflowers, painted by Vincent Van Gogh in 1888.

17. How much did Au Moulin de la Galette by Renoir sell for?  $78,100,000.

18. How much did Portrait of Dr Gachet by Van Gogh sell for?  $82,500,000.

19. Who bought them?  A Japanese paper tycoon called Ryoei Saito.

20. What is rumoured to have happened to the painting ‘Portrait of Dr Gachet’ by Van Gogh owned by Japanese businessman, Ryoei Saito?  He had threatened to burn it, and no one has seen the painting since.

21. How much was Francis Bacon Triptych sold for?  $86,281,000.

22. Who bought it?  Roman Abramovich, who is a Russian-Israeli billionaire and is also the owner of the Chelsea football club.

23. Adele Bloch-Bauer II (2) by Gustav Klimt was sold for?  $87,936,000.

24. What is restitution art?  It is where a piece of art that was stolen, in this case from a Jewish family, by the Nazis, is returned to its rightful owner.

25. Dora Maar Au Chat by Picasso sold for?  $95,216,000.

26. How old was Picasso when he painted boy with a pipe?  24 years old.

27. How much did it sell for?  $104,186,000.

28. What did Steve Wynn do to his Picasso painting, Le Rêve?  He accidentally shoved his elbow into it, making a hole in the canvas.

29. How many items did Victor and Sally Ganz sell at their auction?  57.

30. What did Victor Ganz do for a living?  He was in the custom jewellery business.

31. How much did Nude, Green Leaves and Bust by Picasso sell for?  $106,482,500.

32. Who is standing next to the painting below?  A slightly younger version of Doug Lord.

Doug looking pompus

33. How old was Picasso when he painted it?  50 years old.

First Photoshop Lesson

We were taught the very VERY basics of photoshop eariler, and then were given the task of drawing an elephant from a reference picture of our choice, using only our mice and the brush tool.  On the whole, I’m pretty damn happy with my badly drawn, suit-wearing elephant Boi.  I’ve accidentally made him look horribly disfigured with two black eyes, but hey, what can you do.   \_(‘-‘)_/


His name is Sir Nicholas The Third, in case you were wondering.