Skyscraper Illustrator Project

For this project, we had to make a Skyscraper in Illustrator.  We were given creative freedom, so I kind of jumped at that opportunity…

Artboard 10-100

So, storytime ladies and gents.  There is this very secret organisation that runs the country, and they serve the Eye of Sauron, which conveniently lives at the top of this organisation’s headquarters.  They all wear top hats, and the reason why has been long forgotten.

In the middle of the building, you can see the white moustachioed man, who is the most prestigious member, giving an inspiring speech to all of the members, and due to their severe secrecy, the topic of the speech is unkown.

They have produced some propaganda posters with their logo on them…the eye, which is wearing a top hat, to them signifies the mutual bond they share with the all-seeing Eye they worship.  These are plastered all over the ground floor windows.

Some of the lower windows resemble those of a church, which signifies the group’s almost religious devotion to the Eye.

But, this group of powerful people are not publicly liked, because they have been infringing on people’s human rights, and trying to force people into conformity; so there is a raging protest being held at the base of the building, demanding an end to the regime’s cruel actions.


Anyway, here are some more formal things I need to talk about.

Pros – I’m pretty happy with how this turned out, and am pleased that I was able to be so creative; the second I turned the walls purple, it all spiralled out of control from there!  I like the general weird design of the building, and of course the Eye.  I also like how the sillhouettes of the people look.

I love that I was able to tell a bit of a story visually, and actually have a plot reason for the unusual architectural design of this skyscraper.


Cons –  I could have added more detail to, well, everything, if I had had the time and any remaining brain cells left.


Here are the reference photos that inspired different aspects of my skyscraper.



This was in the beginning, when I didn’t know what my skyscraper was going to look like.  I was just trying to make it look realistic.


This was at the point that I stopped worrying about how realistic it was looking, and just had a craving for some nice ornate windows.


And it was here that I happily passed the point of no return, or any hope of normality for my skyscraper.  I don’t really think I need to explain how this picture had an impact on the design, now do I?