Game Worlds Task


Find at least 3 games that have incorporated history into the game


Assasin’s Creed

Assassin's Creed Syndicate - Assassin's Creed Syndicate

The whole premise of Assasin’s Creed is that the assassins delve into the memories of people’s ancestors throughout history to find these mystical objects called the pieces of Eden, to save the world from the evil organisation called the Templars.  The games in the franchise explore time periods ranging from ancient Egypt to Victorian London.

When roaming around these long-gone worlds, it is very clear that the game developers did a hell of a lot of research into how environments in those times would have looked.  Having such detailed environments in these games is very immersive, and really makes the player feel as if they are really there.  The models in Assasin’s Creed games are always beautifully made, especially in the more recent games, which I just love.



Sid Meier's Civilization VI | PC Steam Game | Fanatical

The Civilization game franchise is all about evolving your stone-age civilization all the way through history to the present.


Call of Duty: Black Ops

CoD Black Ops cover.png













The Call of Duty game series focuses on specific soldiers’ lives whilst they fight to survive different wars throughout history.  This game, in particular, focuses on the cold war in the 1960s.

When playing these historical games, it is very clear that the game developers did a hell of a lot of research into how environments in those times would have looked.  Having such detailed environments in these games is very immersive, and really makes the player feel as if they are really there.

The models in Assasin’s Creed games especially are always beautifully made, particularly in the more recent games, which I just love.


Why would I need all this research if the player only sees 10%?

SmartThings, IFTTT, and the Tip of the Iceberg | SmartThings

When making a game, developers need to do a metric ton of research.  If they do enough research, then typically the player will only witness about 10% of the work they put in.

The reason why they need to do so much research is that if they want to build a living, breathing, believable game world, then they need to understand the context which it is set in, like if they were setting it in the space-age of the future, then they would need to research everything from space-food, to rocket science, and develop ideas on what civilisation of the future might look like.  They would also need to create backstories for all of the characters to make them more realistic, even if the player never needs to know some details of their past, like the names of their parents.

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