Apprenticeship Research

I like the idea of an apprenticeship because I would get to work in the industry for a while and develop my skills.  Although I wouldn’t get paid for it, I think that it would still be fun and valuable for my future career.  But unfortunately, there isn’t a whole load of apprenticeships in this area of creative work.  But here is a list of apprenticeships that look fun and interesting.



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This looks like an amazing apprenticeship, and I think I even currently have the skills I would need to apply for it.  I would be able to be trained in animation and video editing in the workplace.



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This apprenticeship is not so swanky, as although it is in an online gaming retailer, it only involves stacking shelves in a warehouse.

And those are the only apprenticeships I can find that is remotely related to my area of study.




University Research

Sae Institute (London)

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I really like the look of this course, because It covers pretty much everything I’m interested in: 3D modelling, 3D Animation, games design and drawing.  And it’s not even too far away, as it would only take 1h 3m from my home, which means that I wouldn’t need to find and pay for student accommodation.

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So I would need 72 UCAS points.

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It is only a 2-year course.  Although I prefer the sound of a 3-year course, because apparently, you don’t get holidays in 2-year courses, I wouldn’t really mind doing a 2-year course, if it meant I would be doing what I want to do.  And it would be way less expensive, which is always good.

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So it would be £9,000 a year, which is, as I can tell, pretty standard.

All in all, this course seems pretty good, and I will definitely keep this in mind when I come to actually decide which university I want to go to, if at all.  The only problem I have with it is that I’m not too impressed with the student work.  I mean, some of what I saw was really good, but most of it didn’t blow me away.  It might sound kind of snobby, but if I’m going to spend all this money on going to university, I want the student work to blow me away, and make me think that I could never make that level of work in a million years, which is pretty much what happened when I signed up for my current college course.

So I really like the look of this course, but I want to see if I can find something better.


Teesside University (Teesside)

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There are quite a few different courses here that look interesting.  If I were to go here, I would need to find student accommodation.


Computer Games Art BA (Hons)

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This course looks really good, except the only trouble is that animation is not a big part of it and animation is one of the main things that I want to get into.


Computer Animation BA (Hons)

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This course looks amazing, it seems to be everything I want out of a university course, and the student work is just incredible.



Computer Character Animation BA (Hons)

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This course also looks amazing.  The only downside that I can see for me is that I’m not as confident as I probably need to be in drawing, for this course, as it specifies that it relies heavily on my drawing skills, but I can definitely improve on that if I decide to go here, so it’s not so bad.

The part that really speaks out to me is”Script Writing and Storytelling” because one of the main reasons I became interested in this area of study is the stories in animation and games, and I love creative writing.  So this course instantly shoots to the top of my course preferences for this University.



2D Animation and Stop Motion BA (Hons)

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Although I think I mainly want to work with 3D animation and such, 2D and stop-motion animation also greatly appeal to me, So I will keep this as an option.  The student work is again incredible.

All of these courses are around 3 years, which I’m okay with, but it will be way more expensive, which I will have to consider when I come to decide what I want to do at a later point.  The price per year is also £250 more than Sae Institute, but the overall quality of the student work is WAY higher, as I’m severely blown away by all of it, it is all exquisite, which is what I wanted from a university course.

University of The Arts London


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Although I really like the sound of this course, I fear that it does not include as much art as I would like it too, with more coding than I would like, and not enough animation.


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I’m pretty confident that I will be able to meet these criteria.


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This seems to be the normal price for Uni.


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I don’t like the look of this course as much as some others, but it still looks fun.



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I love the sound of this, as I love virtual reality, and am excited at the prospect of working within it.  I would be more than happy to go here, but my only fear is that what if in the coming years, virtual reality fades out, or develops into a new technology, which would then render my degree pretty much obsolete.  If I’m going to spend all this money and time on a course, I want to make sure that it will serve me well in my future.

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As with the last course, I’m very confident that I can meet these criteria.

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I love the look of this course, but I will have to consider it in a deeper depth later.



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I love the sound of this course, as it explores not just animation, but games design, film, VFX, and pretty much everything that I could want.  It looks awesome, and plus one of the most important things about a course for me is the student work because it shows the level of quality of work that I could achieve if I went there, and the student work here is so cool, it is all so creative and unique and I love it.

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I can achieve this easily.

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standard yearly Uni rate.


All in all, I love every aspect of this course, and it has shot to one of my favourite courses on this list.




Job Research

The different overall job titles seem to be the following.  Although these screenshots are from a graphic design website, and a general google, I expect the variations in job titles are generally the same as other areas.

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Free Lancer

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Ever since I was a kid, I had dreamed of one day having an input into the creation of my favourite games.  For a long time, the idea of working in the games studio TellTale had stuck itself firmly in that dream, because they made games that were very narratively driven, with a unique art style, but they recently went bust, so I guess that’s out of the picture now.

But my second choice would be the developer Dontnod, who make my favourite game series Life Is Strange.  Here are some of their job roles.  I would like a job on the more creative side of the industry, rather than technical.

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None of the options that interest me are open anymore, so don’t have any more information.  But the two that really stick out to me are the Narrative Designer and the Lead Environment Artist – because I love writing stories and my favourite games are very narratively driven.  And the Environment Artist because I love the idea of creating environments for the player to run around in, to try to tell a story just with the objects lying around.

Here are some other jobs that caught my eye.  Most of these aren’t accessible to someone with my undergraduate experience, but these are a good starting point for goals.

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I like the sound of this job, seeing as I love 2d animation, but I would obviously need to have a much higher skill level to be able to obtain this job.  All of the job demands seem achievable for me at some point in the future.  And the pay seems really good as well.


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I really like the sound of this job.

This alone would make me apply within an instant.  I would be in literal heaven.Screen Shot 2019-05-23 at 10.58.01.png


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