Task 1.3 Animation Industries And Jobs

Key Animation Job Roles

Animator – They create animations for an unlimited amount of different creative projects, including film, TV, video games, advertisements, websites, cartoons, music videos, and so on.  The list goes on and on.

3D Modeler – They build 3D characters and environments that are based on the concept art.  They can also create character digital skeletons, which animators then control.

Art Director – They oversee the production of animations and their animators and the rest of the artistic staff, who they direct artistically.

Graphic Designer – They can make pretty much any graphic an animation project would need, and they can even design film credits.

Background Painter – They draw, paint or create backgrounds manually, by computer or both for animated productions.

Character Animator – They create and design characters that use movement to tell a story, whether it’s for film, television, video games or mobile applications.

Concept Artist – They create visual ideas and concepts for anything from character designs to environment designs.


Concept art for Sallyface

Script Writers – They write the scripts for narrative-driven productions.

Storyboard Artists – They make storyboards for animations, which present the “action” in a series of scenes (panel by panel), which allows filmmakers, advertisers, and producers to evaluate the project before beginning production. Storyboards are also used to provide direction during production.


Industries That Use Animation

Medicine – This industry often uses educational animated films, which are usually based around a physiological or surgical topic.  They are mostly used as an instructional tool for medical professionals or their patients.

Architecture – This industry uses architectural animations created digitally. A computer-generated building can be made, along with landscaping and sometimes moving people & vehicles.  This helps companies visualise how their future buildings are going to look.

Mechanics – This industry uses computer modelling and animation to create virtual models of products and mechanical designs.  This helps companies envision how their creations are going to function.

Forensics –  This industry uses animated recreations of incidents which are created to aid investigators & help solve cases.

Education – Many educational institutions use educational animations to help their students understand subjects, like for example, scientific visualisations.

Advertisement – Most, if not all big advertisement companies use animations to help sell their products, because it appeals to wider audiences, and makes their products seem more interesting.

Gaming – This industry heavily relies on animation, as the vast majority of games use one form of animation or another.

Film and TV – This industry uses animation extensively, whether it be for animating an SFX explosion in a live action film, or creating a whole animated cartoon series.  The list goes on indefinitely.


Research And References


The Complicated History of Sally Face

Use of Computer Animation in Industries other than Media and Entertainment


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